Friday, March 26, 2021

Dear Joyce: Unneeded Weight Gain For This Stroke Survivor During Pandemic

Dear Joyce,

As if life isn't bad enough, I gained 18 pounds during the pandemic because I'm going to the refrigerator more often than I should. I live in an apartment and the refrigerator is right there! The problem is, I had a stroke 6 years ago and, from being in so much, it was an unneeded gain.

I can't think of anything to do other than to stuff my face. I need some motivational advice because the 18 pounds makes my walking and talking sluggish.

Fatter in Frisco

Dear Fatter in Frisco,

Most people in my "bubble" gained weight during the pandemic. What did I do when I put on several pounds and then some? 

Try this, compliments of my son who adheres to it every day: I made myself a schedule. Every day from 6pm to around midnight, since most of the eating comes then, I have these "things" to do:

6-7: enjoy leisurely dinner and nothing after; 7-8: reading time; 8-930: writing time when I attempt my 3rd book; 930-1030: answer my email; 1030-11: watch political YouTube videos; 11-12ish: take my meds and bathroom stuff.

Only you can make a commitment to follow the schedule, but it works for me. You have nothing to lose but pounds! Let me know how it works for you. 

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