Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Triggers Understandably Bother TBI Survivor

Dear Joyce,

I have noticed that my high and low points are more noticeable after my TBI. As a result, a rather small health issue seems to trigger other parts of the body. For example, if my leg is sore, it triggers my headache and then, it triggers an upset stomach. Is that common to people with TBIs or is it unique to me? 

Agitated with Life

Dear Agitated,

How long ago has it been since you had a routine physical? Start with your Primary Care Physician (PCP). You might learn of new problems you just didn't consider. Aside from your visit to the PCP, I believe most people who suffer a brain injury--like stroke and any kind of TBI--are more attuned to their health and how the body reacts.  

You might try this recent article from the National Health Service in England that you may find interesting:

Bottom line: The brain rules the whole body, and the effect of a brain injury will depend on:

  • the location of the injury 
  • the severity of the injury
  • the type of injury 
One thing for sure: you aren't alone. 

Brought to you by Strokefocus and one of its associations, Northwest Brain Network

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